About Me

What I Do And Why I Do It

About Me

What We Do And Why We Do It

About Me

Hey there, welcome to my About Me Page!

Hello there!

I'm Patrick Tarpey.

For more than 30 years, I've been all about teaching — kind of like telling a great story, but with a useful point to it. My life's journey has been packed with guiding folks through outdoor adventures, a real ride full of stories and lessons.

On the side, I spent a decade coaching people one-on-one, helping them get their lives on track and reach for the stars.

Here's what all this has taught me: life's richer with a clear purpose and a dose of positivity. It's not just about earning a living; it's about making a real difference.

That's why I'm looking to team up with businesses. Not just any enterprises, though. I'm talking about those aiming to shine brightly, those keen on making their mark and genuinely standing for something.

My thing? Getting the right things in the right place at the right time!

What does this mean for you?

- Digging Deep into Your Business: With my years of experience, I'll help you get to the core of your 'why.' We'll ensure your business isn't just ticking over; it’s thriving and flying high on its values.

- Creating a Solid Team: Having spent years outdoors and in coaching roles, I know a thing or two about building a team that’s got each other's backs and is all set to make strides together.

- Making People Notice: It's all about sharing your message in a way that's genuine and sparks excitement. I've got a few tricks for that, all learned from getting people engaged and ready to take action.

- Sharing Your Story: A good, true story has power. I’ll help you tell yours in a way that draws people in and keeps them close, building a community around your vision.

If you’re in business to do good and make a real impact, let's talk. We can sit down with a cuppa and chat about how to light up your piece of the world.


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